CPH Cloud is a networked service infrastructure that gives support and new opportunities to passengers, staff and retailers by connecting them together. Its key value is prompting all stakeholders with useful information at opportune moments throughout the airport (space & time) and providing a key platform for expansion of the travelling experience in the future.
FlashTicket is CPH Cloud platform service that allows passengers to credit a boarding pass with money and spend it at the airport, both on their journey and on future journeys. The service provides incentives in the form of rounding-up spare change and special offers and discounts from retailers.
User Research
Interaction Design
Service Design
Copenhagen Airport
Problems can be complicated, Solutions cannot!
Who is it for?
For CPH Cloud, the main user is actually the airport and all entities that operate within it. It exists to facilitate the connection between stakeholders; passenger, staff, airline and retailers.
In the case of our example platform service, FlashTicket, the target user group is casual to relatively frequent leisure travellers. FlashTicket can of course be useful in many special cases from depositing money on a boarding pass for unaccompanied minors to business travellers collecting leftover change on their online FlashTicket account.
Why is it valuable?
For individuals, both passengers and staff, the CPH Cloud is the key to providing a flow of information that is delivered throughout the airport to the right people, at the right times. This simple core value provides the foundation for platform services, such as FlashTicket, to create a comfortable travel experience for passengers and an efficient work environment for staff.
For the airport, airlines and retailers CPH Cloud opens up new channels to provide useful, meaningful information services to passengers and staff and empowers them to develop new passenger - service interactions improving 'brand' impressions all the way up to Copenhagen as a flight destination.
For the airport alone the power of collecting this information as passengers use the system will improve understanding of people's use of the airport and apply this knowledge to future experience improvements.
How does it work?
CPH Cloud is essentially a network infrastructure that connecting people and places within the context of CPH airport. A passenger travelling to Milan, for example, can opt in to the FlashTicket service when they book their ticket online at their preferred carrier. They can plan their time through the airport, adding any offers or facilities that CPH may be offering at that moment in time and preparing themselves for the airport experience. At the airport the passenger, checking in, can view and change their journey before receiving their FlashTicket. The ticket itself is used to redeem offers, pay for typical items and identify themselves and their progress to CPH using ticket readers at locations such as coffee shops and convenience stores eventually using it as a regular boarding pass to travel to their destination.
The main insights derived from research phase were based around passenger mindset. Many people find the moments in which they have to wait a stressful moment in their journey through the airport and part of our research insight was that passengers accept that this is part of the airport experience. We learnt that this was mainly due to a major lack of information at key moments which if provided in a sensible, subtle way would benefit a passengers "internal schedule"; the way in which they see themselves spending their time at the airport.
Experience Prototyping
Diving straight into experience prototyping gave us a handle to grab ahold of during our concept development phase and allowed us to quickly make decisions at both a 'zoomed-in' and 'zoomed-out' level about how our service operates and what touch points to develop at its core. It became increasingly apparent that varying locations in the airport worked better with different concept prototypes and that their value was in informing the development of connected touch points that were on a conceptual level. We found more and more that people were opinionated about these conceptual designs maybe because we weren't letting them experience them at that point in time.
CPH Cloud - FlashTicket has been designed and conceptualized together with Mac Oosthuizen and Yufan Wei Wang at CIID on the Service Design course taught by Eilidh Dickson, Brian Rink, Rory Hamilton, Are Hovland Nielson, Nina Christoffersen, Julia Frederking and Simona Maschi.