Under the roof of IPS Communication Foundation / bianet, Atölye BİA offers workshops to journalists, journalists put out of work, students of communication faculties and everyone who wants to do journalism with the aim of popularizing rights-based journalism.
You can reach the website via https://atolyebia.org/
Interface Design
Bianet - Bağımsız İletişim Ağı
Atölye BİA programs contain more frequent and long-term training modules and supervision support that continues after the modules.
Atölye BİA, or BİA Workshop, aims to contribute to the protection and development of rights-based journalism by focusing on the demands for rights-based news reporting practices, facilitating the exchange of experiences with bianet editors, increasing internship opportunities and enabling dismissed journalists and academics to come together again.
Under the roof of IPS Communication Foundation / bianet, Atölye BİA offers workshops to journalists, the journalists put out of work, students of communication faculties and everyone who wants to do journalism with the aim of popularizing rights-based journalism.
Atölye BİA has been designing the duration, content and programs of its trainings with a structure based on self-learning and rights-based content and opportunities to offer multidisciplinary curricula in line with the needs and demands of its participants. Consisting of two phases, basic and thematic, Atölye BİA programs contain more frequent and long-term training modules and supervision support that continues after the modules.
Atölye BİA consists of three main sections:
With Atölye BİA, the training on basic journalism and women-, children- and human rights-based journalism, which were organized by the IPS Communication Foundation in 2002-2007, and "From the Class to the Newsroom" programs, which were held in 2008-2017, have started to be available throughout the year and open to everyone who is interested.
This project website is published within the framework of "Journalism for Rights, Rights for Journalists" project implemented by the IPS Communication Foundation with the financial assistance of the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and Reporters Without Borders (RSF).
During the project, my role was co-development of the strategy, designing the visual interface of the website and developing the website.
You can reach the project via https://atolyebia.org/